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    #580637 Reply

    Matthew Johnson, PhD, a research psychologist at Johns Hopkins University, says he’d be surprised if hallucinogenic drugs didn’t have a proper medical use “under some constrained, limited circumstances.” Set: a person’s state of mind, previous encounters with psychedelic drugs, and expectations of what’s going to happen. For example, feelings of stress or anxiety before using psychedelic drugs may result in an unpleasant experience (bad trip).9 Some drugs, such as opioids, stimulate our brains to produce high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, resulting in temporary feelings of pleasure. Hallucinogens, on the other hand, actually disrupt the way our brain produces neurotransmitter chemicals, leaving our brains and bodies confused. This can lead hallucinogen users to feel unexpected shifts in their mood, ability to sleep or eat, their feeling of pain, and their response to the outside world. https://www.thenaturalnouveau.com/forum/profile/renatotullipan8/ The Federal Court of Canada has certified a class action lawsuit against Her Majesty the Queen (“Health Canada”) concerning the mailing of approximately 40,000 letters to participants in the Marihuana Medical Access Program in November 2013. While majorities of Democrats and Democratic leaners across all age groups support legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use, older Democrats are less likely to say this. About three-quarters of Democrats ages 18 to 29 (78%) favor legalizing marijuana for both medical and recreational use, while 64% of those 65 and older say the same. Roughly equal shares of Democrats ages 30 to 49 (73%) and 50 to 64 (70%) say marijuana should be legalized for medical and recreational use. The Federal tax code (26 U.S.C. § 280E) still classifies marijuana farmers, dispensary owners, and others in the marijuana industry as drug traffickers. Yet marijuana businesses are still required to pay federal taxes.

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